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The number of First Dose Vaccinated

State Population Percentage
Johor 658,820 17.4%
Kedah 404,375 18.5%
Kelantan 308,396 16.2%
Kuala Lumpur 1,695,561 95.6%
Labuan 58,975 59.2%
Melaka 233,608 25.0%
Negeri Sembilan 416,836 36.9%
Pahang 313,522 18.7%
Pulau Pinang 488,812 27.6%
Perak 559,242 22.3%
Perlis 88,996 34.7%
Putrajaya 69,996 63.6%
Sabah 475,084 12.25
Sarawak 1,545,402 54.9%
Selangor 1,987,129 30.4%
Terengganu 266,781 21.2%

Source: Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin


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